“Memories of the Future: Slavutych/Netishyn Tomorrow” project is dedicated to the utopian character of atomic cities of Ukraine, Slavutych and Netishyn.
The watercolor sketches represent the cities' future scenarios that we have been developed engaging local people from Slavutych and Netishyn.
The sketchbook made by a traveler in 2066 after his journey to Slavutych and Netishyn appears in the cities in 2016 like a part of the constant art exhibitions in the local museums. In each city, our duo invited local community in re-discovering different locations that have to be changed because they arise sensation of something abandoned or temporary, provoking frustration in the future. Within the open dialogue and reflection has been defined what could be done at these places, and depicted in watercolor sketches afterward. Locations that supposed to be changed were marked by a number and hashtag #slavutychtomorrow #netishyntomorrow on the city streets.
Created in partnership with NGO "Garage Gang" and program Kod Mista. Funded by the Goethe-Institut Ukraine within the framework of "Cultural Educational Academy".
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